package net.sourceforge.pmd.util.viewer.gui; import net.sourceforge.pmd.ast.ParseException; import net.sourceforge.pmd.util.viewer.model.ViewerModel; import net.sourceforge.pmd.util.viewer.model.ViewerModelEvent; import net.sourceforge.pmd.util.viewer.model.ViewerModelListener; import net.sourceforge.pmd.util.viewer.util.NLS; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; /** * viewer's main frame * * @author Boris Gruschko ( boris at ) * @version $Id:,v 1.1 2004/07/14 16:37:15 ngjanice Exp $ */ public class MainFrame extends JFrame implements ActionListener, ActionCommands, ViewerModelListener { private ViewerModel model; private SourceCodePanel sourcePanel; private ASTPanel astPanel; private XPathPanel xPathPanel; private JButton compileBtn; private JButton evalBtn; /** * constructs and shows the frame */ public MainFrame( ) { super( NLS.nls( "MAIN.FRAME.TITLE" ) ); init( ); } private void init( ) { model = new ViewerModel( ); model.addViewerModelListener( this ); sourcePanel = new SourceCodePanel( model ); astPanel = new ASTPanel( model ); xPathPanel = new XPathPanel( model ); getContentPane( ).setLayout( new BorderLayout( ) ); JSplitPane editingPane = new JSplitPane( JSplitPane.HORIZONTAL_SPLIT, sourcePanel, astPanel ); editingPane.setResizeWeight( 0.5d ); JPanel interactionsPane = new JPanel( new BorderLayout( ) ); interactionsPane.add( xPathPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH ); interactionsPane.add( editingPane, BorderLayout.CENTER ); getContentPane( ).add( interactionsPane, BorderLayout.CENTER ); compileBtn = new JButton( NLS.nls( "MAIN.FRAME.COMPILE_BUTTON.TITLE" ) ); compileBtn.setActionCommand( COMPILE_ACTION ); compileBtn.addActionListener( this ); evalBtn = new JButton( NLS.nls( "MAIN.FRAME.EVALUATE_BUTTON.TITLE" ) ); evalBtn.setActionCommand( EVALUATE_ACTION ); evalBtn.addActionListener( this ); evalBtn.setEnabled( false ); JPanel btnPane = new JPanel( new FlowLayout( FlowLayout.LEFT ) ); btnPane.add( compileBtn ); btnPane.add( evalBtn ); getContentPane( ).add( btnPane, BorderLayout.SOUTH ); setDefaultCloseOperation( JFrame.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE ); pack( ); setSize( 800, 600 ); setVisible( true ); } /** * @see java.awt.event.ActionListener#actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent) */ public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent e ) { String command = e.getActionCommand( ); if ( command.equals( COMPILE_ACTION ) ) { try { model.commitSource( sourcePanel.getSourceCode( ) ); } catch ( ParseException exc ) { new ParseExceptionHandler( this, exc ); } } else if ( command.equals( EVALUATE_ACTION ) ) { try { model.evaluateXPathExpression( xPathPanel.getXPathExpression( ), this ); } catch ( Exception exc ) { new ParseExceptionHandler( this, exc ); } } } /** * @see org.gruschko.pmd.viewer.model.ViewerModelListener#viewerModelChanged(org.gruschko.pmd.viewer.model.ViewerModelEvent) */ public void viewerModelChanged( ViewerModelEvent e ) { evalBtn.setEnabled( model.hasCompiledTree( ) ); } } /* * $Log:,v $ * Revision 1.1 2004/07/14 16:37:15 ngjanice * 14 juillet 2004 - 12h32 * * Revision 1.3 2004/04/15 18:21:58 tomcopeland * Cleaned up imports with new version of IDEA; fixed some deprecated Ant junx * * Revision 1.2 2003/09/23 20:51:06 tomcopeland * Cleaned up imports * * Revision 1.1 2003/09/23 20:32:42 tomcopeland * Added Boris Gruschko's new AST/XPath viewer * * Revision 1.1 2003/09/24 01:33:03 bgr * moved to a new package * * Revision 1.2 2003/09/24 00:40:35 bgr * evaluation results browsing added * * Revision 1.1 2003/09/22 05:21:54 bgr * initial commit * */